
You can find us in Henkestr. 91 in Erlangen with fascinating experiments, introducing you to the world of the Sensory Sciences. Furthermore, live and online talks from scientific endeavors in the field of sensory sciences give insights to current challenges and exciting findings from our research aiming for a sustainable, safe and healthy future.

Every semester we offer a fun interactive lecture for children at the KinderUni Nürnberg.

  • International School Excursions at Sensory Sciences @FAU

School classes from all over the world come to visit FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and the team of the Sensory Sciences @FAU every year, to get insights into interdisciplinary fields of research and get inspired for their personal career choices.

Opening Event of the Research Facilities of the Sensory Sciences @FAU; Henkestr. 91, 91052 Erlangen, Germany, 12.07.2023.